Join Us

Urban Core Group members receive entry to up to 11 events throughout the year, where we discover exciting new places in the Kansas City urban core. Enjoy an evening out with other like-minded, good-hearted urbanites. Each event is hosted at a different location and is catered with food and beverages. Events are also open to guests and non-members for a $20 admission fee. 

Gain Visibility

As a Sponsor of The Urban Core Group, you are opening your brand, staff and clients to the hosts and attendees of our monthly events. We are brokers, architects, engineers, developers, engineers, general contractors, realtors - if there is a profession on the periphery of development in Kansas City, they are a member, host or attendee at our events. Please review the sponsorship opportunities below. If there is something else you have in mind, we are happy to explore a package that suits your specific goals.
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The Urban Core Group is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

31 W. 31st Street, Kansas City, MO 64108

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software